A living legacy and the responsibility to preserve it
Every September 7, the Panamanian nation celebrates the signing of the Torrijos-Carter Treaties, a pact between two nations based on […]
Every September 7, the Panamanian nation celebrates the signing of the Torrijos-Carter Treaties, a pact between two nations based on the full establishment of Panama’s sovereignty throughout its territory, as well as the commitment to manage, protect and preserve the waterway.
This is not only an annual commemoration, but a daily commitment to enhance the Canal’s capacity and maximize the socioeconomic benefits that the waterway brings to the country.
In this edition of El Faro, different actors who participated directly in the negotiation process of the Treaties bring to life the memories of those moments, the heartaches they experienced and the consolidation of a national cause.
Today, the commitment is more alive than ever, and this translates into maintaining the waterway as a model organization in the successful management of its operations, safeguarding the environment and focusing on sustainability.
As long as we all continue to strive and work to do our best for our country and our Canal, the legacy of our predecessors will live on, for this and future generations.