Theatrical celebration at the Canal
Four plays were presented at the Ascanio Arosemena Auditorium before students and Canal employees.
“You don’t know how many times, without much success, I have told my son that his great-grandfather worked in the construction of the Canal. But the day he saw the play at the Ascanio, he came home wondering about his grandfather, about the Silver Roll, the 9th of January and the generational struggle“, a mother told El Faro.
In September, four plays were presented in the Ascanio Arosemena Auditorium, in celebration of the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Torrijos-Carter Treaties. Schools in the city were invited and there were special performances for Canal employees. Cristo Quijote Tratado, by Javier Stanziola; Reversiones: 79 89 99, by Javier Stanziola; El que quiere conocer a Panamá que venga porque se acaba, by Daniel Gómez Nates and Los Inocentes, by Isabel Burgos.